Monday, January 30, 2012

Oh, my baby is turnning 9!!

The second birthday we are celebrating in February is that of our youngest child.  Our little man turns 9, hard to believe it has been so long since I held my cute little baby in my arms.  He is growing up fast, but remains a cheeky little monkey, with a devine sense of humour and a heart of gold.  Although his birthday is not for several days, I decided to post his card now, while I am on my day off from work and have the time.  Little man is not likely to want to read Mum's card blog, so I don't think there is any risk of him seeing it before his big day.

Best wishes dear friend

Gosh!  It has been a very long time between posts. I have been so busy with the the kids during our Summer break, Christmas and starting a new job; crafting was at the back of my mind.  With the kids all back at school as of last week, I decided it was time to pull out some papers and stamps and get playing again.  With many birthdays just around the corner, I set to work. I have not made these cards for any challenge other than a personal one to get my craft juices flowing. 

The first card I have made is for my dear friend and god mother to my youngest son, it is her birthday at the end of the week and wanted to send her a little birthday cheer xx.